The 10 Largest Universities in the World 2023 Ranking
Our discussion in this article is about the largest universities in the world where we unveil to you the higher institution that accommodates the highest number of students enrolled in various programmers such as undergraduate, graduate, and online programmes.
There are many schools of higher learning established in every country across the planet and they are built in different sizes and variations.
This is possible because of the large number of donors and sponsors who support education all through higher institutions across the world. To know about the schools that made the list, do read the article to the end.

If you are wondering where the largest university in the world is located, you have come to the right place as your curiosity will be satisfied. We have compiled in this article the list of Universities ranked to be the largest in the world among the many universities established in every country in the world. Take a glance below.
Top 10 Largest Universities in the World
Here is the list of the largest higher institutions in the world:
#1. Indira Gandhi National Open University
Location: India
Enrollment: 4,000,000 +
Indira Gandhi National Open University occupies the first spot on our list of the largest universities in the world. The aim of establishing this University was to enable all members of Indian society have access to higher education.
The University was founded in 1985 and it operates with a strong focus on opening their doors to all students and raising the bar for citizens in terms of distance education and campus class quality.
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The institution operates both as an on-campus and distance learning college through its twenty-one schools and a network of over 2300 study centers. More so, the school serves students in thirty-five countries
#2. National University of Bangladesh
Location: Bangladesh
Enrollment: 2,000,000 +
National University Bangladesh is not left out on the List coming in at the second spot. The institution was founded in 1992 and has since then grown into a forerunner in higher education schools in the country. The college was established to provide higher education accessible to rural and semi-rural students.
The institution is established very close to Dhaka making it accessible for city-dwellers to attend. The University has six other Regional Centers and its Headquarters established in Gazipur, that work vis-à-vis one another. More so, the university offers graduate and post-graduate programme.
#3. California Community College System
Location: United States of America
Enrollment: 2,000,000 +
California Community College System take us further in our discussion on the Largest Universities in the World. The institution is the largest system of higher education in the U.S just as it is the second-largest university system in the world, with a total enrollment of 2.1 million students.
The system was formed in the early 1900s when the then government saw a need to create a system of academic and vocational schools to train and equip more people to fill the California workforce.
Presently, the system is made up of the Board of 73 community college districts. More so, the system has 114 community colleges and has currently proposed Albright, the 115th all-new online community college.
#4. Anadolu University
Location: Turkey
Enrollment: 1,000,000 +
Anadolu University was established in 1958 and known to offer quality academic training and a highly selective registration acceptance. The institution comprises of three distance learning programs, seven schools, four vocational schools, nine institutes and twenty-eight research centres and units in two campuses.
Besides, the institution has over 1,800 faculty members. The institution focusses on fields such as science, information gathering and research, and innovation.
#5. Islamic Azad University
Location: Iran
Enrollment: 1,000,000 +
The Islamic Azad University is located in Tehran, the capital city of Iran and it has several branches of private universities located in a different part of the country, as well as houses the largest academic library in Iran. The university was established in 1982 as a result of the charter of the Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution.
The university focus on educational areas such as Agriculture, Art, Science and Medicine, which often attract students from other countries. More so, the institution is present on international soil in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and the United Kingdom.
#6. Allama Iqbal Open University
Location: Pakistan
Enrollment: 1,000,000 +
Allama Iqbal Open University is also not left out among the Largest Universities in the World 2020 known for its solid distance education and a high enrollment of female students. The university is located in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan and it has 44 regional campuses and centres throughout the country.
High accessibility and comparatively lower rates are the strategies employed to ensure that all of the country’s citizen benefit from this institution.
Besides, the university’s online education is offered at a lower price, or even for free to those who need it, likewise, the institution pay special attention to female education so that women can have access to education regardless their busy schedule making the university
#7. Payame Noor University
Location: Iran
Enrollment: 8,18,150
Payame Noor University is another Iran higher school of learning to make our list coming in at the seventh spot. The institution was founded in 1988 and has grown to be one of the largest higher institutions in the world.
Among the departments established in this university include Human Science, Social Science & Economics, Agriculture, Art & Media and Theology and Islamic Studies, among others.
More so, the university provides flexible programmes whereby students are involved in independent study, with the students being solely responsible for their education while having access to select university materials.
#8. Bangladesh Open University
Location: Bangladesh
Enrollment: 650, 000
Bangladesh Open University is another university from Bangladesh to make the list coming in at the eight spot. The public institution was founded in 1992; its main campus is located in Board Bazar, Gazipur District, Dhaka Division. The institution constitutes a total of 21 formal academic programmes that offer formal programmes awarding bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree.
The schools found in this institution includes the School of Education, School of Social Science, School of Business, School of Agriculture and Rural Development, School of Science and Technology School of Law and Open School.
#9. Universitas Terbuka
Location: Indonesia
Enrollment: 6,46,467
Universitas Terbuka also earns a spot on our list of the Largest Universities in the World coming in at the number ninth spot. The institution is known for its flexible education to citizens who are unable to access traditional, conventional forms of education.
More so, it focuses on Open Distance Learning to reach out to residents in the remote and rural area. The university aim at becoming a world-class Distance Learning University.
#10. State University of New York System
Location: New York
Closing our discussion in this article is the State University of New York System coming in at number ten spot. The institution is rated as the largest comprehensive system of universities and colleges in the United States comprising of a high number of specialized campuses.
Also, the institution is divided into four categories which are the university centres/doctoral-granting institutions, comprehensive colleges, technology colleges, and community colleges.
If you are reading this article for the first time, I know it will come to you as a shocker because you couldn’t find the popular or prestigious institutions you are familiar with on this list of largest universities in the world. Nonetheless, I believe you have been well informed about the largest universities around the world. Interestingly most of them are located in Asia and the Middle East with just a few of them are established outside the continent, just two in the United States.
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These institutions may not be well known outside their countries or region yet they offer quality and standard education training you may think of. We will give you an update when we have new information on this topic via an update of this article.